Medical Supervision

Nursing Care

Medical Supervision-Nursing Care

At Papadopoulion Residential Home for Seniors, we offer medical supervision and 24hour nursing care with professionalism, sensitivity and reliability. Our knowledgeable medical and nursing staff offer their services with consistency, care and great sensitivity to each guest’s needs.

Our target is to improve our guests’ lives by helping in the prevention and treatment of their health problems.  So, whether a guest’s choice is for a short or long term stay in our unit, our experienced scientific team will ensure an unobstructed stay with effective treatment free of discomfort and insecurities.

The basic medical and nursing services provided to our guests are:

  • Daily Medical Supervision
    Our unit is staffed on a daily basis by distinguished doctors specialized in Geriatrics, Neurology, Pathology and Cardiology. We are also in collaboration with doctors of various specialties on a monthly basis such as Pneumonologists, Urologists and Orthopedic Specialists
  • 24-hour care and supervision by our trained nursing staff.
  • Regular observation by a Psychologist
  • Observation of medication and provision of medicines in cooperation with the relevant insurance authorities.
  • Special programs of physiotherapy- mild kinesiotherapy activities